Bliss, D. H.

1857                Main Street, Lynchburg, Virginia.

1859-1860       132 Main Street, Lynchburg, Virginia.

1857 June 22.  Lynchburg Daily Virginian.  (Lynchburg, Virginia.)  June 22, 1857, Vol. 5, No. 276, P. 4.

A Pleasant Resort—D. H. Bliss’ Photographic Gallery is ever open to the visiting public, where may be seen a large and beautiful collection of Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Daguerreotypes, plain and colored Photographs, &c., &c., together with the daily emanation of various styles of Portraiture from his rooms, which speak louder than words, of the beauty of the sitters as well as the artistic taste and skill of the operator, who is always ready to wait upon the public, and guarantees entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage.

He is prepared also to furnish the Ladies who are engaged in Grecian Painting with plain Photographs, either of persons or fancy sketches, to which their particular attention is invited. 

A fine assortment of Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Lockets, Watch Seals, Bracelets, Charms, &c., constantly on hand; also Fancy Cases of various patterns, all of which need only to be filled with a speaking likeness to make them the most acceptable present that friends can reciprocate.  D. H. Bliss, Photographist, Next door to the Va. Bank, Main St., Lynchburg.

Republican, Salem Register and Mountain Signal copy.  ma23.

1860 January 12.  Lynchburg Daily Virginian.  (Lynchburg, Virginia.)  January 12, 1860, Vol. 8, No. 138, P. 1.

Lynchburg Ambrotype and Photographic Stock Depot.  D. H. Bliss, No. 132 Main St., Lynchburg, Va., Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of articles pertaining to the Photographic Art, which he is prepared to furnish to the trade upon the most reasonable terms.

Mr. B. having had practical experience in the art of picture making for several years, feels confident that he is able to give entire satisfaction to his customers in the selection of articles used in the business.

Orders from the country promptly and faithfully attended to.  sept 21, [1859].

Advertisement was recorded from January 12 to 19, 1860.

1860 January 12.  Lynchburg Daily Virginian.  (Lynchburg, Virginia.)  January 12, 1860, Vol. 8, No. 138, P. 4.

D. H. Bliss, Practical Photographer, No. 132 Main Street, Lynchburg, Va., Where every style of Portraiture may be obtained at short notice and upon reasonable terms.

Call and examine specimens.  oct. 18.

Advertisement was recorded from January 12 to 19, 1860.

1860 January 12.  Lynchburg Daily Virginian.  (Lynchburg, Virginia.)  January 12, 1860, Vol. 8, No. 138, P. 1.

Holyday Presents.  What is there more acceptable or appropriate, as a Holyday Gift, than a Good Likeness, prettily encased?

The undersigned having in store and for sale a fine assortment of Jewelry, consisting of Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Watch Seals, Charms, &c., together with a great variety of Plain and Fancy Cases, the public have an opportunity of securing these humble tokens of regard by calling at Bliss’s Photographic Gallery, No. 132 Main Street, Lynchburg, Va.  D. H. Bliss, Photographist.  Lynchburg, Dec. 24, 1859.

Advertisement was recorded from January 12 to 19, 1860.

1860 January 28.  Lynchburg Daily Virginian.  (Lynchburg, Virginia.)  January 28, 1860, Vol. 8, No. 152, P. 3.

George W. Kyle, Artist, No. 132 Main Street.  Having Purchased of Mr. M. D. Bliss his Gallery in the City of Lynchburg.  I will continue the business at the old stand—where I will be pleased to see all in want of any thing in my line, such as Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Life-Size Photographs, Patent Leather Pictures, &c., Put  Up In The Best Style Of The Art.

Having an experience of ten years in the business I flatter myself to be able to give perfect satisfaction in every case, otherwise, no charge will be made.  I shall always keep on hand a general assortment of Cases, Plain and Fancy.  I have also on hand a large stock of Jewelry, such as Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, &c., suitable for Pictures, which I am determined to sell at reduced rates.  All in want of any thing in that line will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere.

Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens, whether they wish pictures or not, were they find a pleasant place to pass away a leisure hour.

Deceased persons and invalids attended at their residences when desired.  G. W. Kyle, Artist.

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