Blodgett, William

1856-1857       Maple Street, near the Willow Tree, Rockland, Maine.

1860                Address Unknown, Rockland, Maine.[1]

1857 July 2.  Rockland Gazette.  (Rockland, Maine.)  July 2, 1857, Vol. 12, No. 27, P. 3

Patent Leather Photographs.  W. Blodgett, Maple Street, near the Willow Tree Is now transferring Collodion Pictures from Glass to Patent Leather, which gives a life-like effect to the coloring and finish far superior to any other.—These Photographs will bear the roughest handling without injury as they become a part of the Leather itself.  They can be sent to any part of the world in a letter without damage.  They are but to be seen to be appreciated.

He also takes Ambrotypes for those who wish, at all hours of the day.  He has on hand a large Stock, consisting of Lockets, Baskets, Pins, Rings, Cases, &c., which will be put up cheap for Cash.

Pictures of Children taken from 10 until 2 o’clock P. M., in clear weather.

Call and Examine Specimens.  Rockland, July 1, 1856.

Advertisement ran from July 2 to August 6, 1857.

1857 September 10.  Rockland Gazette.  (Rockland, Maine.)  September 10, 1857, Vol. 12, No. 37, P. 3

Photographs, Ambrotypes, Melainotypes And Patent Leather Pictures.  Those on Patent leather may be sent to any part of the world without injury under the common stamp.  They can be obtained at Blodgett’s Saloon, near the willow tree, North End. 

Also,—Gold Lockets can be bought of him lower than at any other place in the State.

Advertisement ran from September 10 to October 22, 1857.

[1] Craig’s Daguerreian Registry.

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