Blauvelt, Isaac A.

1855                177 Greenwich Street, near Courtlandt, New York, New York.

1856-1857       383 Broadway, New York, New York.

1857                233 Greenwich Street, New York New York.

1858                231 & 233 Greenwich Street, corner Barclay, New York, New York.

1858                373 Broadway, New York, New York.

1858                525 Columbia Street, South Brooklyn, New York.

1855 October 29.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  October 29, 1855, Whole No. 7001, P. 1.

$20 Reward.—Stolen, On Saturday Evening.  September 29, from 177 Greenwich street, one large showcase, containing many valuable portraits, and some of deceased friends.  Any person giving information of the same and procuring the return of the article, will receive the above reward and thanks, by Isaac A. Blauvelt, 177 Greenwich st., daguerreotypist.

1855 October 29.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  October 29, 1855, Whole No. 7001, P. 6.

Daguerreotype operator Wanted.—A First rate hand, with good references, (and none other need apply,) will find steady employment by applying to Isaac A. Blauvelt, 177 Greenwich st., near Courtlandt.

1856 August 15.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  August 15, 1856, Whole No. 7290, P. 6.

To Daguerreotypists.—Wanted A Man, Who thoroughly understands the ambro and photograph types, and can come well recommended, at 383 Broadway.  None others need apply.  Call on Isaac A. Blauvelt, 383 Broadway.

1857 April 6.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  April 6, 1857, Whole No. 7523, P. 8.

Wanted—A Man Who Understands the Daguerreotype and ambrotype business, where he can have steady employment, at 383 Broadway.  Blauvelt.

1857 June 30.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  June 30, 1857, Whole No. 7608, P. 6.

Artist Wanted—One Who Understands The ambrotype and photograph business thoroughly, and can come well recommended.  None other need apply.  Inquire of J. A. Blauvely, 233 Greenwich st., corner of Barclay.

1858 March 26.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  March 26, 1857, Whole No. 7875, P. 6.

A Photographer Wanted.—A Man Who Understands ambrotyping and photographing thoroughly, where steady employment will be given at fair wages, and can come well recommended; none other need apply to J. A. Blauvelt, 231 and 233 Greenwich street, corner Barclay.

1858 March 30.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  March 30, 1858, Whole No. 7879, P. 9.

To Photographers And Ambrotypists.—One who thoroughly understands the business and of good qualifications, obliging to the public, and can come well recommended, may get steady employment, at fair wages.  A middle aged man preferred.  Inquire J. A. Blauvelt, 231 and 233 Greenwich st., corner of Barclay.

1858 October 21.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  October 21, 1858, Whole No. 8083, P. 2.

For Sale—A Photograph Establishment, fitted up in neat style, with two skylights, 16 feet by 20, with all materials for photographing, ambrotyping, and daguerreotyping; low rent; will be sold at a low valuation, as the owner has other business to attend to; now doing a good business.  Inquire at Blauvelt Brother’s Rooms No. 373 Broadway.

1858 December 22.  The New York Herald.  (New York, New York.)  December 22, 1858, Whole No. 8145, P. 3.

Ambrotype Rooms For Sale—With Stock And fixtures complete; will sell on account of the owner going to Cuba, Apply at 525 Columbia Street, South Brooklyn.  J. H. Blauvelt.

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