Bindt, F.

1859                Address Unknown, Honolulu, Hawaii.

1859 August 4.  The Pacific Advertiser.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  August 4, 1859, Vol. I1,

No. 5, Whole No. 162, P. 1.

Honolulu Ambrotype  & Daguerrean Gallery!  Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, and Photographs taken in the finest perfection of the Art.  F. Bindt.

Advertisement ran from August 4 to December 29, 1859.

1861 April 13.  Polynesian.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  April 13, 1861, Vol. XVII, No. 50, P. 2.

Daguerreotype Gallery.  We learn that the Gallery in King street, near Fort, so long and favorably known as Mr. Stangenwald’s Gallery, and lately owned by Mr. Fr. Bindt, has been purchased by E. D. Durand, the well known Calligraphist and Draughtsman. And will shortly be re-opened; the announced departure of Mr. Howland, and the closing of his Gallery in Merchant street, making the re-opening of this the more desirable; and we bespeak beforehand the attention and good will of the public to Mr. Durand’s enterprise.  We understand the photographing will be one of the branches of the art, to which Mr. Durand will devote his attention.

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