Benson, William

1856 April 5.  The Polynesian.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  April 5, 1856, Vol. XII, No. 48, P. 3.

To the Citizens on Honolulu.  This is to inform the citizens Honolulu, that Mr. Benson, will continue the Daguerrean Art on Rose Lane, after April 14th, 1856.

We would return our sincere thanks to our patrons, and recommend Mr. B., as worthy of their patronage.  B. Jay Antrim, & co.

Advertisement ran on April 5 & 12, 1856.

1856 June 28.  The Polynesian.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  June 28, 1856, Vol. XIII, No. 8, P. 3.

W. Benson’s Polynesian Daguerrean Gallery, Merchant Street, Over the Office of the “Pacific Commercial Advertiser.” Pictures Taken In Any Weather.

Advertisement ran from June 28, 1856 to January 31, 1857.

1856 July 2.  The Pacific Advertiser.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  July 2, 1856, Vol 1. No. 1, P. 1.

W. Benson’s, Polynesian Daguerrean Rooms.  Merchant Street, Over The Office of the “Pacific Commercial Advertiser.”  Thankful for the liberal patronage he has hitherto enjoyed, Mr. B. would solicit the attention of the public to his new gallery where he will take pictures at all hours of the day, and in any weather.  July 1, 1856.

Advertisement ran from July 2, 1856 to March 19, 1857.

Artistic.—The specimens of portraits painting which our friend Burgess has recently executed, are sufficient of themselves to recommend him to those who may require his services.  The portraits of the King and Queen which hang at the post-office door, though only copied from daguerreotypes and not perfect, bear a close resemblance to the originals, and show that the artists possesses the elements of success and good taste.  Strangers in town, as well as residents, who desire to secure portraits to send to their friends at home, will find it worth their while to call on Mr. Burgess, over to post-office, on Mr. Benson, Daguerrean Artist, over the Commercial printing rooms, or on Mr. Stangenwald, Ambrotype and Daguerreotypist, King street; either of whom, we guarantee, will give satisfaction in whatever they undertake.

1857 May 28.  The Pacific Advertiser.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  May 28, 1857, Vol. I, No. 20, P. 2.

New Ambrotype Gallery.  The undersigned would respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Honolulu and the public generally, that he has taken the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Benson, over the Printing Office of the Commercial Advertiser, where he in now prepared to take Pictures On Glass And Paper, Known as the Patent Ambrotypes and Photographs. Having recently arrived from the United States, with good instruments and a new and extensive assortment of stock, he feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction to those who favor him with their patronage.

N. B.  Pictures put up in a Variety Of Styles, to suit customers.

Rooms open from 9 A. M. to 12 P. M., and from 1 to 4 P. M.  W. F. Howland.

Advertisement ran from May 28, 1857 to June 24, 1858.

1858 January 30.  The Polynesian.  (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  January 30, 1858, Vol. XIV, No. 39, P. 8.

Passengers.  Per St. Mary’s, for San Francisco [January 26] .—…W. Benson & Wife.

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