R. C. Schofield

1852                151 Main Street, Eagle Square, Richmond, Virginia.

R. C. Schofield was recorded in one advertisement that ran from October 12 to November 3, 1852 in The Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia).  The Beautiful Daguerreotypes executed by M. P. Simons speak for Themselves, (though this is not wonderful as they are speaking Likenesses,) they speak for themselves in tone, finish, composition and truth; they are not surpassed by those of this or any other country, in Paris, London and Venice, they are preferred to the best French, English and Austrian production, and at Home their merits are universally acknowledged.  Instances might be given to prove the above statement which would till the entire columns of the dispatch, but this would be expensive.

Be convinced by calling, examining and comparing specimens.  M. P. Simons, 151 Main Street, Eagle Square.        R. C. Schofield, Assistant.       

R. C. Schofield is not recorded in other photographic directories.

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