Bolles & Smith

1857-1859       Over George Story’s Saddlery Store, Main Street, Cooperstown, New York.[1]

1859                Over D. L. Birge’s Clothing Store, Cooperstown, New York

1857 February 20.  Evening Star.  (Washington, District of Columbia.)  February 20, 1857, Vol. IX, No. 1,278, P. 2.

List of patents for the week ending February 17, 1857.  Luzerne M. Bolles and Washington G. Smith, of Cooperstown, N. Y.—For photographic camera box.  No. 16,637.

1858 January 8.  The Freeman’s Journal.  (Cooperstown, New York.)  January 8, 1858, Vol. L, No. 22, Whole No. 2,570, P. 3.

The Patent taken out by Messrs. Bolles & Smith of this place, to which we have alluded at length on a previous occasion, for taking out-door views by photographic process, we are pleased to learn , is attracting favorable attention, and their agent has already disposed of a number of county rights to use the instrument.  Messrs. B. & S. manufacture all the instruments, at their establishment in this village.

1858 July 1.  The Freeman’s Journal.  (Cooperstown, New York.)  July 1, 1858, Vol. L, No. 47, Whole No. 2,595, P. 4.

25 Agents Wanted!  Bolles & Smith’s Patent Camera-Box.  Twenty-Five Agents are wanted to dispose of the Patent Rights of this popular invention.  Good active young men can find no more profitable employment.  Apply at the Daguerrean Rooms of Bolles & Smith, Cooperstown. 

Advertisement ran from July 2, 1858 to April 8, 1859.

1859 January 21.  The Freeman’s Journal.  (Cooperstown, New York.)  January 21, 1859, Vol. LI, No. 24, Whole No. 2,624, P. 4.

List of Premiums Awarded by the Otsego Co. at [    ] in 1858….Discretionary Permits….

Bolles & Smith, patent Camera-Box, dip and cash $3

Bolles & Smith, Photographs and Ambrotypes, cash $1…

J. Pardoe, oil paintings and photographs in oil, cash $2.

1859 April 22.  The Freeman’s Journal.  (Cooperstown, New York.)  April 22, 1859, Vol. LI, No. 37, Whole No. 2,637, P. 3.

Dissolution.—Notice is hereby given that the late firm of Boles, Smith & Co. is hereby dissolved my mutual consent, G. J. Olendorf retiring from said firm, which hereafter will be conducted by Bolles & Smith.  April 14 1859.

Advertisement ran from April 22 to June 3, 1859.

1859 May 20.  The Freeman’s Journal.  (Cooperstown, New York.)  May 20, 1859, Vol. LI, No. 41, Whole No. 2,641, P. 3.

Bolles & Smith’s New Photographic Gallery of Art, Opposite The Bank Of Cooperstown. Opposite The Bank Of Cooperstown.  Over D. L. Birge’s Clothing Store.  Over D. L. Birge’s Clothing Store.  Do Not Mistake The Place.  South Side of Main Street.

Bolles & Smith and G. L. Olendorf give particular notice to the public generally, that they are in no way connected with the old rooms formerly occupied by Olendorf & Smith.  We also return our thanks for the liberal patronage received for the past eight years from our patrons and friends, and invite them to call and examine our newly arranged sky and side light, combined upon the latest scientific principles, which gives better shades and more perfect likenesses then have ever before been attained in this village, together with the best fitted and most convenient suit of rooms in this section of the country. 

Advertisement ran from May 20 to September 23, 1859.

[1] Address is based on May 20, 1859 advertisement and is speculation on my part.

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