Bennett, Mr.

1846-1847       Main Street, Hubbard’s Block, Norwich, Connecticut.

1846 March 4.  The Norwich Courier.  (Norwich, Connecticut.)  March 4, 1846, Vol. XXIV, No. 52, Whole No. 3259, P. 3.

Free Exhibition Of Plain And Colored Photographic or Daguerreotype Miniatures taken on Plates six times the usual size, by Mr. Bennett, from Boston.

Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully requested to call at rooms in Hubbard’s block and examine a great variety of Miniatures, Views &c., taken by this wonderful process.  Likenesses taken singly or in groups from 2 to 6, without regard to weather, and entirely free from that dark and lifeless appearance which has always been a serious objection to most taken in a similar way.  Persons sitting for their Miniatures will not be required to take them unless perfectly satisfied.

American and German instruments and all kinds of Daguerreotype materials for sale, and instructions given in the art.

N. B.—a good assortment of gold and gilt Lockets constantly on hand.  Norwich, Feb. 24.

Advertisement was recorded three times between March 4 to October 7, 1846.

1846 December 2.  The Norwich Aurora.  (Norwich, Connecticut.)  December 2, 1846, Vol. XII, No. 30, Whole No. 602, P. 1.

Bennett’s Daguerrian Gallery, Hubbard’s Block, Main St.  Mr. Bennett being about to leave Norwich for the winter, has made arrangements to leave his Rooms in charge of Mr. Ives of New York, a gentleman of acknowledged skill and success in the Daguerreotype art.  Mr. B. feels confident that under the management of Mr. Ives the former reputation of the Rooms will be fully sustained.

The Exhibition Room has been fitted up with an entire new lot of specimens taken by Mr. Ives, to which the attention of the former friends of the establishment and the public generally is respectfully invited.

Instruction given in the art.

Daguerreotype materials for sale.  Norwich, Nov. 3rd., 1846.

1847 March 3.  The Norwich Aurora.  (Norwich, Connecticut.)  March 3, 1847, Vol. XII, No. 43, Whole No. 615, P. 4.

Daguerreotypes.  Bennett’s Daguerrean Gallery, which has been closed for the last few weeks, is again open “and in full tide of successful operation.”  Those in want of a good picture are respectfully invited to call.  Miniatures taken equally well in clear and cloudy weather.  Entire satisfaction given in all cases or no charge.  Instructions given in the art, and apparatus furnished,

The rooms will remain open until the 1st of April.  E. Ives.  Norwich, Feb. 15, 1847.

This is possibly Nathan S. Bennett.

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