Biteley, N. H.

1849                Room Seneca Street, Geneva, New York.

1849 June 29.  Geneva Daily Gazette.  (Geneva, New York.)  June 29, 1849, New Series-Whole No. 234, Vol. V, No. 26, P. 2.

Mr. Editor:  I called the other day at the Daguerrean room of Messrs. Biteley & Lawyer, Seneca street, and was highly pleased and gratified to perceive the approximation towards perfection, if not perfection itself, to which this wonderful art has arrived.  I have seen Daguerreotypes, without number, but never any like those taken by the above named gentlemen.—The likenesses are so life-like and “true to nature,” that they excite admiration and astonishment.  They surpass every thing of the kind ever exhibited in our village; and those who wish to secure a correct picture of themselves or their friends, will do well to avail themselves of an opportunity which may not soon occur again.  S.

1849 July 6.  Geneva Daily Gazette.  (Geneva, New York.)  July 6, 1849, New Series-Whole No. 235, Vol. V, No. 27, P. 3.

Glorious Opportunity!  The subscribers would say to the readers of the “Gazette,” that they have opened Daguerrean Rooms on Seneca street, one door below Dr. Smith’s office, where they may be found from 8 A. M. until sundown, not only ready and willing, but anxious to perform any and every service, in their line, for the public.  The subscribers claim to understand the Daguerrean business, and were not for their excessive modesty, would here insert various notices that they have received in different parts of the State, commending their likenesses.

The public are invited to call, and we will treat them as well as we know how, and sell them pictures if we can.  Bitely & Lawyer.                               

Advertisement ran from July 6 to August 17, 1849.

1849 August 24.  Geneva Daily Gazette.  (Geneva, New York.)  August 24, 1849, New Series-Whole No. 242, Vol. V, No. 34, P. 3.

One Dollar Daguerrean Gallery!  The subscriber, at the rooms heretofore occupied by Biteley & Lawyer, will put up Likenesses in good style for One Dollar.

N. B.  Prices above for two weeks only.  N. H. Biteley.             

Advertisement ran from August 24 to September 14, 1849.

1849 September 28.  Geneva Daily Gazette.  (Geneva, New York.)  September 28, 1849, New Series-Whole No. 247, Vol. V, No. 39, P. 3.

Daguerreotypes For One Dollar!  Bitely’s daguerrean Gallery will be kept open a few days longer, where likenesses put up in good style may be obtained for One Dollar.

Rooms on the North side of Seneca street, nearly opposite the Telegraph Office.

Advertisement ran from September 28 to December 21, 1849.

1849 December 7.  Geneva Daily Gazette.  (Geneva, New York.)  December 7, 1849, New Series-Whole No. 257, Vol. V, No. 49, P. 2.

New Daguerrean Gallery. Mr. S. D. Humphrey, late of Albany, has opened a Daguerrean Gallery in Seneca Street, over Hollett’s Bookstore, and proposes remaining in town some time to serve such of our citizens as may be disposed to patronize him.  We have seen a few of his many specimens, which certainly exhibit great skill in the art.

With this new candidate for public favors, and the capital portraits taken at the galleries of Messrs. Sinsabaugh & Biteley, the Genevese can most assuredly be enabled

“To see ourselves as others see us.”

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