Boutelle, D. K. & T. E.

1848                Union Block, Main Street, over D. S. Dutton’s Store, Claremont, New Hampshire.

1848 January 23.  National Eagle.  (Claremont, New Hampshire.)  January 23, 1848, Vol. XII, No. XXVIII, P. 3.

Photography.  D. K. & T. E. Boutelle, Respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Claremont, and the public generally, that they have taken Rooms over the Store of D. S. Dutton, Union Block, Main opposite Union Street, for the purpose of taking Daguerreotype Likenesses.

From long experience and a knowledge of the many late improvements to which this wonderful art has attained, we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage.

Miniatures taken at this establishment are unsurpassed by any in point of beauty or delineation—true to life—and warranted not to fade.

For particulars see handbills, or what is better, call at our rooms and examine specimens.

Apparatus for sale and instruction given in the art.

Advertisement ran from April 20 to May 11, 1848.

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