Bourges, Emil

1852                Post Office and Centre Streets, Galveston, Texas.

1852                Corner of Preston and Main Streets, Houston, Texas.

1852 February 9.  Semi-Weekly Journal.  (Galveston, Texas.)  February 9, 1852, Vol. III, No. 1, Whole No. 209, P. 3.


“Secure the shadow ere the substance Fade,

“Let nature copy that which nature made.”

Think not these portraits, by the sunlight made.  Shades through they are, will like a shadow fade; No! when the lip of flesh in dust shall lie, [eye.  When death’s cold film spreads o’er the beaming Fitzgibbon’s life-like pictures, mocking at decay, will still be fresh and vivid as to-day.

Our galleries are open from sun-rise to sun-set, at the corner of Post office and Centre streets, Galveston, and corner of Preston and Main streets, Houston, where we will be pleased to see visitors to examine specimens, whether they wish pictures or not.  For portraits of Adults, by our process and improved instruments, a cloudy day is quite as favorable as clear weather.  For children, a clear day (between eleven and two) is best.

In dress, ladies are recommended to wear figured or dark material; plaid, figured or striped dresses for children.  White, light-blue and pink, should be avoided.

Portraits, Miniatures and Daguerreotypes copied.  Views of buildings taken.  Invalids waited upon, and likenesses of deceased persons taken.  Fitzgibbon, Bourges & Stanley, Daguerrean Artists.

N. B.—Operators wishing to purchase materials, can now be supplied with Cameras, Cases, Plates, and other necessary articles appertaining to the business, and at New Orleans prices.  F. B. & S. jan. 29.

Advertisement was recorded on February 9, March 22, & May 10, 1852.

1852 March 22.  Semi-Weekly Journal.  (Galveston, Texas.)  March 22, 1852, Vol. III, No. 13, Whole No. 221, P. 4.

Fitzgibbon, Bourges & Stanley, Daguerrean Artists And General Dealers in Daguerreotype Stock all descriptions.  Corner of Post office and Centre Streets, Galveston; and Corner Main and Preston sts., Houston.

Advertisement was recorded on March 22 & May 10, 1852.

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